
what am i doing?
     (starts packing a suitcase)

where is my life even going?
     (gets into a taxi)

maybe things will change now
     (hands the ticket to the woman at the counter)

i can already sense it
     (boards the train)

like the atmosphere being blown off a planet
     (watches the scenery start to blur)


The setting sun gave its last
golden breath to the city before
retiring for the night.
Geraldine Ludovico paused on the
stoop of the old brownstone she was
about to enter.
Straightening her stockings tentatively,
she took in a deep breath,
straightened up,
pressed the buzzer for 5A.
Pen, paper, and tape recorder
accompanied her-
she was apprehensive about
this interview.
Rumors swirled around
Ms. Vivian Smith-Smythe-Smith:
famed shut-in,
once a woman about town.
Haringtown’s Boo Radley
had once been a local celebrity,
gracing the stages of all the
most popular theatres.
She hadn’t been seen in years.
What Geraldine met after climbing
flights and flights
was what the rumors had
taught her to expect.
The door groaned open;
the place smelled like
well aged paper and decay.
Old photos filled every inch of
available wall space-
glamorous headshots,
news articles in frames,
stills from theatre performances.
There sat Vivian on her
decaying Louis XV style settee-
the wood’s finish had flaked off in an
outline around it;
cushions were
unevenly faded, fraying threads
dangling where upholstery
met wood.
Vivian’s hair and facial expression
gave one the idea that
she’d just stuck a fork into
an outlet.
Hollowed cheeks,
hollowed eye sockets,
a complexion that looked faintly
as though a thin film of
mildew was slowly replacing her skin.
“How are you doing, Ms. Smith-Smythe-Smith?”
“Quite well, quite well.
Flowers are blooming nicely.”
“It’s fall.”
A polite smile, a change of topic.
Geraldine seated herself in a
coordinating chair across from her and
started her interview.
Ms. Smith-Smythe-Smith began
recounting the events in each picture
that hung on her wall.
On the last one she paused,
looking fondly,
longingly at the scene.
An empty stage- spotlights on,
the area surrounding it dark,
faded in bokeh.
“Ah, my home”, she sighed as she
got up and floated towards it,
a frail hand outstretched in its direction.
Tracing her finger around the frame,
the sound of applause emanated from
some undetermined point in the room.
Geraldine turned her head all around,
trying to find a source.
Turning her head back to
Ms. Smith-Smythe-Smith--
she wasn’t there.
The applause grew louder,
It came from the photo.
Geraldine noticed a change,
got up to be sure of what she saw.
A woman on the stage,
looking at home and
beaming as flowers were tossed
and surrounded her feet.
