“Cryptid Wife”

His friends
Don’t believe i’m real
Because i never come out

You sure she isn't made up?
Have you caught her on film?
Bring us her pelt.

They think it’s funny
Hahaha ha   ha   yeah
Social anxiety is a scream

Believe it or not, us sasquatches 
Feel some type of way about that


some day this will all be 

a distant memory

like the rest stop 

that is now a dot behind your car

on the longest road trip you’ve 

ever taken-

all you have to do is

keep driving


my brain is a car.

                 someone is flooring the gas 

      and the engine.   is.      SCREAMING

      with the shifter    in         neutral 


The New ’20s

Remember this is temporary.
This is temporary.
Listen to me.
God damn it, no. Listen.
There is a forest among these trees.

There is a forest among these trees.

There is.
A forest.

Stop. Look. Breathe.

We’re gonna see it again. Just you wait.
We’ve survived the ’20s before
And we
Do it again.

Time Portal

Bored at work I
In a file cabinet
In plain sight
Black metal monolith time capsule
A rush of nostalgia
Hit me,
Sudden water up my nose from a
Fast jump
Into a pool of memory
Top drawer harbors a
Names of
Printed on long forgotten papers,
An old peak season roster
Left just for me to
Breadcrumb paper trail back to
The good times that are now long dead
The good people that are now long gone
I have stumbled across an
Tomb of secret memory that
Is mine, only mine
Because nobody else will understand.

Of course, the next day, a snake
Has discovered my secret time portal-
The significance of those names and
Their memories is lost on her as she
Roots through the drawers like a hog,
However, and no amount of her snooping
And riffling can take away my reverie.


summer is coming to this
icy fortress
following right on his heels
as he approaches,
bringing the sun with him in his smile
the turret stairs he climbs are damp
from the melting ice
dripping from behind the door
what he's now reached
behind it is the heart of the fortress-
a massive, faintly ticking
block of stone
he touches it
the warmth from his hand
brings it back to life
who knew stone could beat so fast